Friday, July 15, 2011

Two picnics in Central Park & the Model Boat Take II

We've been here almost 2 weeks now, and the girls and I have stayed really busy during the week, trying to make the most of our time here, and the most of being able to spend time outside without melting. I'd be lying if I said I wasn't completely tired, but it's completely worth it.

We got a later than usual start, so I picked up McDonald's Happy Meals for the girls, and we stopped at Duane Read's for some drinks and fresh fruit. We walled up towards 81st street to Central Park so we could go to our usual spot by Turtle Pond, in front of the Great Lawn.

Charlotte fell asleep on the way over and slept for a good 1-2 hours. Bea and I ate lunch, and afterwards, she went to the back of the lawn to climb on the rocks and take swipes at the trees. She told me she was trying to swing on the branches like a monkey.

Charlotte eventually woke up and ate her lunch, but perhaps it was the awkward nap time that through her off, because she was fit to be tied. Bea was no better, so while I had planned on taking them to a playground after lunch, I decided it would be best to go home for a few hours and rest. We had plans to meet Steven at Conservatory Water later in the day for dinner and another go at the model boats.

We rested all afternoon, and set off around 6 to meet Steven. He picked up dinner at Chipotle and met us in the park. We got there a little early, so I stopped near Loeb boathouse to get a few photos. Beatrix was all about posing.

We walked the rest of the way to Conservatory Water together. We found a nice spot to plop down for dinner. It was the same spot we were at the last time we came to Conservatory Water. We had our dinner, and decided it was time for some boat action.

Bea did her thing, but grew tired of it earlier this time. I think she was distracted by me walking around with Charlotte. Bea's behavior seemed to be going downhill, so we packed it in and headed back home.

Bea's model boat, #130.

Walking back, we had beautiful views of the sun setting at Central Park West and W 72nd. It is 2 days after Manhattan Henge, which provides a very nice view of the sunset falling behind the gridded streets.

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