Sunday, July 10, 2011

Conservatory Water & the Model Boat

A relaxing Sunday is what was needed for Steven and me. I suppose one's definition of relaxing can differ greatly from one person to the next. I'm not sure relaxing is how you can describe our day, though it's not like it was terrible or anything, and besides, how can sailing a model boat be anything but relaxing?

Our day started off ok, though the girls have been wound up something fierce. I'm not sure if it's possible to be any more wound up, honestly, and I keep expecting them to crash, but they just keep going.

We got a slightly later start than we would have liked, and one step outside and we realized we had not taken advantage of the very nice early morning weather. That's ok. It was still nice, but when one does not ever experience a day so nice in Houston in July, one does not want to miss a single opportunity.

Down to Central Park was our destination, where once we got to to 72nd street, Steven departed towards the subway to make his way over to B&H. We have 2 digital SLR's, and you'd think we wouldn't need anything else, but those SLR's get heavy and burdensome when I'm alone with the kids, and they don't shoot video. I always carry our little digital Canon since I can do photos or video, and it's so small, and definitely not in danger of whacking one of the girls upside the head (I know it sounds bad, but, yes, those bulky SLR's are well, bulky, and sometimes these things happen.). We've had the little guy for a while now, and though I don't keep up with the latest or greatest, I realize now that we were in need of a new compact camera. Steven told me there were a few features and one extra item that would blow my socks off (if I were wearing socks), and he was right. If you want the full details of the camera, you will have to ask him. All I know is that it has a couple niceties that I've been needing in a camera. It shoots photos and videos in up to 4x less light (so great for those low light situations). It has a really neat slow motion feature for video that I'm sure Steven will use more than me. I was going to mention the other features, but I think it's just best to ask Steven. Now on to the Conservatory Water.

We had about a mile walk across Central Park to get to the Conservatory. The park was bustling with people, whether walking, biking, strolling, hitching a ride off a carriage horse or carriage bike, sitting on a lawn, participating in activities on the lawn, or boating on the water. We stopped at the top of Loeb Boathouse so I could snap a picture of the girls. They seem intrigued.

Not too much further down I caught a glimpse of the water with the sailboats. By the time the girls and I got there, it was just about time for lunch, but I wanted to check with the rental place about the details in case I needed Steven to get cash out on his way over.

We found a nice spot on a slightly elevated lawn under a shade tree. We had our lunch and after I chased Charlotte down a few times, decided it was time for her to go back in the stroller. We spent that time waiting for Steven and just resting and people watching. I was amazed at how content the girls were to just sit there. I almost felt guilty. Almost.

Steven joined us just as we were leaving our picnic spot. We made our way to the model boat rentals and put our name on a waiting list. Wait wasn't bad, only 10 minutes. Beatrix got a special sailor hat and took control of her model boat, #77, quickly and easily.

I maneuvered the little guy a little bit, and I tell you, it is addicting. Steven helped Beatrix bring the boat in once she got it near the other side of the water.

That 30 minutes went by incredibly fast, and we plan on going back before we leave. I'm disappointed to add that Charlotte did not find herself on top of a sailboat gliding across the water like Stewart Little. I thought it was going to happen too!

The girls were getting tired by the time Bea's boat rental was over. We walked to the other side of the water, and Steven got this shot with the buildings behind the park. We checked out a nearby playground, but didn't stop, then headed home with a quick daily stop to...Starbuck's!

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