Thursday, July 7, 2011

Tot Playground and Museum of Natural History

This is how most mornings start. Watching cartoons on the TV.

This is what our walk looks like down 73rd to Central Park.

Tot Playground at Central Park
I have been searching and searching for a playground that doesn't totally freak me out when it comes to Charlotte. Problem is, if I find that, then it leaves Bea with little to do, but I found the Tot Playground which seemed to be exactly what Charlotte needs. It's still not a relaxing time at the playground with Charlotte, no, as she will find a way to make anything dangerous, but this one was more manageable for me alone with two young kids than some of the others. It is filled with tots and just as many nannies.

Video of the girls playing at the Tot Playgound to come.

Lunch at our favorite spot (next to Turtle Pond)
We've got this spot, it's becoming our spot, where we keep finding ourselves for lunch. It's just a perfect, fairly quiet, not so crowded spot next to Turtle Pond with a view of Belvedere Castle in the backdrop and pretty green fields out front. There are some low slung rocks in the back ofthe enclosure where kids can romp around. We love this space, and I'm sure, we will find our way back any times to cone.

Video of Charlotte frolicking in the field to come.

A visit to Museum of Natural History
We had decided the night before that it would be worth getting a membership at the Museum of Natural History. It is so close to the apartment, and a perfect place for a rainy day or a hot day. They have memberships for people who live out of town, one that is $60 gets a member and one guest in. Since Charlotte is still under two (albeit for less than one month), it is perfect for me and Bea and Charlotte since Steven won't be able to make it during the week, and if we go on weekends, he could buy an extra ticket, or take Bea alone.

Beatrix and Charlotte with the fabulous T-Rex

Outside the Museum of Natural History

When we got back to the apartment, Beatrix started drawing again. This time, she drew the curtains in the apartment, telling me it was so that I would always remember our view with love.

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