Thursday, July 14, 2011

New York Botanical Garden & Dinner with Mara

What a day, and what a fabulously beautiful day at that! After talking with Michelle yesterday afternoon, I realized taking the girls by train would be completely doable. The New York Botanical Garden is a 20 minute train ride from Grand Central, and literally right across the street from the station onc in The Bronx. What's great about it is its the same route to get to The Bronx Zoo, which we plan on hitting on Saturday.

We had planned on riding the subway to Bryant Park with Steven this morning on his way to work, since it wouldn't be a far walk to Grand Central Station from that point. The more Steven thought about it, the more he felt it would be too crowded at that time to take the stroller, so we walked from the apartment to Grand Central. We followed the perimeter of Central Park, cutting over at 6th street and made our way over to the train station. I had planned on taking the 10:24 train to the New York Botanical Garden, and we were right on track with some time to spare, but I knew time would go by fast, and I was right. By the time I got my ticket (children 5 and under are free), we only had 20 minutes before the train left. I didn't want to be rushing over there, so I decided we would go ahead and board the train. We didn't wait long before we were off to explore nature.

It was such an easy trip to the garden. The train stop is directly across from the garden.

Before getting our tickets, i wanted to get a photo of the girls in front of the sign at the entrance to the New York Botanical Garden. I didnt want to wait until we were leaving in case we would need to rush to catch a train.

I thought I got a descent photo, until I was looking at it while waiting in line, and realized the sunshade on the stroller almost completely covered Chrlotte's face. Oh well, will have to try again on our way out.

We stood in a very short line to get our tickets, and then we were off. We stopped in a nearby cafe first to grab s few items for our picnic, and then we set off in the direction of the family picnic tables. On our way, we went through the Chidren's Adventure Garden. This is a very interactive, sweet space for children to explore. It had an adventure trail that led the kids to a little discovery of seeds.

It also had a maze that the girls enjoyed running through and finding their way out of.

Charlotte found some mulch to snack on in the maze.

The girls really enjoyed the little sitting area made of tree stumps. I would love to have a set for my house, but I suppose a more wooded area would make these stumps all the more magical.

After a little time of playing in the sitting area, we walked over to the family picnic tables and had our lunch. Actually, we found a nice shaded bench nearby to enjoy our lunch and watch nature around us.

We had planned on going to the Howell Family Garden, but it didn't open until 1:30, so we still had some time to spare. Beatrix wanted to go back though the Children's Adventure Garden, so that's what we did. This time she crawled over some large rocks, while I watched with Charlotte.

The girls did the maze again, and it was just as fun as the first time except for a family with 2 rude children. Beatrix told them she had done the maze before, and the older sister (probably 9) said she didn't care in a not so nice voice. Of course, little brother (probably 6) had to retort that, yeah, we don't care in a sassy boots voice. Then, at some point in the maze, he yelled at Beatrix to stop following him. Mind you, it was a small maze, and she wasn't trying to follow him, but I guess he perceived it tha way. The adults with them didn't seem to care how they talked to other children, and well, they didn't seem very nice other. We waited for them to move on along the ath, and the girls played in the sitting area again. Beatrix met a swee little girl, and they enjoyed playing fo a bit while the little girl's mom and I enjoyed a chat. They live in Queens, and we really enjoyed visiting with them. The girls were digging around, and got absolutely filthy, but I guess that's what you do when you explore, properly anyway.

It was about time for the Howell Famiky Garden to open, so we caught the tram and made our way towards more fun. The tram ride is like a tour guide ride, and we got to hear lots of facts about the plants, flowers, buildings, and other things found at the garden.

We got off at the Howell Family Garden where Beatrix got right to work.first thing she did was plant a lavender plant in a container to bring home with her. I love lavender, so I hope the plant makes it!

Next on the agenda was tea. The kind Hellers showed Bea how to cut the herbs she wants to use to make tea. She pulled the leaves off the stem, creating a nice sized pile. They put the water on to boil and explained how the hot water would be poured over the herbs to make the flavored drink. While they waited for the water to boil, we were given samples of the tea made by the previous batch of tea makers.

Beatrix getting a cutting of mint.

Pulling the leaves off

Drinking a batch of homemade tea

Bea wasn't done yet. Next, she wanted to try her hand at gardening. She was led to a plot ready for yellow carrot seeds. She made the holes with her fingers so she could place the yellow carrot seeds in. She then covered them up soil.

She wasn't quite done yet. She was given the opportunity to water certain parts of the garden
with a watering can. Se didn't water the seeds she just planted because there were still plots left to be planted, and they didn't want it to get muddy for the next little Gardner.

And, that was it. We didn't have any more time to explore. We wanted to catch the 3:09 train back, and Steven was going to meet us outside his office to help us ride the subway back to the Upper West Side.

Smelling her lavender plant as we leave the family garden

We picked up the tram, and it took us back to the main tram stop where we got our stroller and made our way toward the entrance. Of course, I didn't forget about that photo I wanted to retake, so I quickly did that.

At least you can see Charlotte's face this time.

Charlotte was asleep by the time we got to the platform. We waited about 10 minutes for the train, and had an uneventful trip back to Grand Central.

We found Steven at Bryant Park. Wow, I didn't remember it being quite so crowded before. Beatrix got to see what looked like a dead body laying in the middle of the sidewalk of the park with a park worker standing over it calling for help. We mosied right past it, and I tried not to make a big deal of it. We found Steven, and had to walk past the man again, and I breathed a sigh of relief to see he was alive. He is a homeless man, and Steven said you see a lot of that there.

We got to the subway station, and Steven showed me how to find the elevators in case I need to do it by myself while I'm here. Not sure I want to do that. No, I don't want to do that.

We got back to the Uppe West Sise just after 4. We stopped at the Starbuck's at Columbus & 73rd, where the girls and I waited before heading to Patsy's Pizzera to have dinner with an old high school friend.

We met Mara at Patsy's and had a great time catching up. Bea drew a picture of Mara as soon as we got there, and Mara noticed Bea included the tattoo on Mara's ankle. My girl is so observant. I hadn't even noticed it. But then I remembered how much Bea loves the tattoos she can put on her skin.

Mara is such a natural with kids. Bea really took to her, and told me she liked her a lot and thought she was, "so pretty". Hoping to meet up with Mara, and possibly her niece, before we leave in a few weeks.

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