Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Madison Square Park

Today, I decided to try something different. Thanks to Mommy Poopins, I found out about a free summer kid's concert series at Madison Square Park, called Madison Square Kids. Today's artist was Erin Lee and the Up Past Bedtime Band. After a little looking around, we decided I would take the subway from 72nd street to Penn Station, where there is elevator access for the stroller. It would require a mile walk or so, but it was a pretty morning with temps in the 70's, so completely doable.

We arrived at Penn Station, and made our way down Broadway to W 25th street. The shops along that stretch are not so upscale, reminding me of Harwin in Houston where everyone sells their cheap wares and knock offs.

Madison Square Park is situated between large buildings in the Flatiron District on W 25th. It is a pretty park with lush green grass, a huge art sculpture of a head, a nice playground, and Shake Shack (I know what we are having for lunch!).

When we arrived, the band was setting up and doing sound checks. Charlotte was already clapping along. We put our blanket down in front of the stage, alongside another blanket that was already there. We still had 40 mi urea or so before the show started, so we went over to the playground for a little bit. I got my workout chasing Charlotte around on the play structure.

Photos of girls at Madsion Square Park playground to come.

We went back to our blanket with about 15 minutes to go. I didn't come prepared with snacks (shame on me), but I had some ice cold water, and a few packets of trail mix in my bag. It would have to do, and the girls picked what they wanted, mainly the cashews and cranberries.

Photos of girls waiting for show to start to come.

The concert started right on time at 10:30, and Charlotte immediately got to dancing. Beatrix watched with a sweet smile on her face.

Photos and video of girls at concert to come.

It seemed right as the concert started, the shade we were sitting in disappeared, and we found ourselves in the full sun. After 30 minutes, we decided to find some shade. It was 11:00, and knowing how crowded Shake Shack gets, I decided we would order our food and sit at a shaded table.

Photos from Shake Shack to come.

I got the girls cheeseburgers, fries, lemonade, and of course a chocolate shake!

While at lunch we got a chance to talk with Antie using Facetme. The girls enjoyed seeing their Auntie for the first time in several weeks.

After lunch, we went back to the playground. There wasn't as much shade over the play structure as I would have like, and it was heating up fast. Still the girls played for a while.

Photos of girls playing after lunch to come.

Another little girl decided she wanted to share her chalk with Charlotte and Bea. It was so sweet. The girls colored with her for a bit sunder the play structure in the shade.

Photos of girls coloring to come.

I took Charlotte over to the swing for a little bit, and she enjoyed swinging in the shade, while I enjoyed standing in the shade.

Photo of Charlotte swinging to come.

It was getting later, and hotter, so it was time to start heading back. We walked back to the subway at Penn Station, caught the express (fewer stops), and made it back to 72nd street. We made a quick stop in Duane Reade to pick up my prescription and other odds and ends, and spent the rest of the afternoon in the cool apartment.

Tomorrow is a big day. Charlotte turns 2, and I remember my father as he would have celebrated his 67th birthday.

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