Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Central Park Zoo

This was my first day to fend for myself here in New York City, which can be challenging for me without kids. Throw in the 2 kids (ages 4 and under, not to mention the one growing in my belly), my sense of direction, and inability to follow a map, and you get a trip that takes twice as long as it should. It's funny though, because I must look like I belong here, based on the number of people asking ME for directions. We had one very nice lady ask us where the zoo was, just as we were doubling back and forth ourselves trying to find this obscure place. As we started walking together, another group of people were looking for the zoo. The lady who came up to me noticed someone giving directions, but there was a catch. He was actually selling maps, and for $2, he would tell the buyer where the zoo was. People were mortified. The nice lady I was with just paid him the $2, took the map, and without looking at it, asked him which way to the zoo. It was right through a small tunnel behind us, and to the left. It was so, so close. This guy must stand at that location all day. He insisted that HIS map was more detailed than the map on my iPhone, which after looking at the map, I can guarantee you, it was not. At least he was only asking $2 though, right?

I bought the girls an ice cream from one of the vendors just outside the zoo. They've been begging us for one since we got here. I felt they deserved it after dealing with Mama's lack of sense of direction. Plus, it gave me time to rest a little. Never again, though. Not the Spongebob ice cream (or anything similar) that they had. What a mess, and it's that all natural stuff that won't wipe off, not even with hand sanitzer that has alcohol in it. The nice lady that we had help finding the zoo from sat with us while waiting for some friends she had planned on meeting at the zoo. She snapped a photo of me and the girls.

The girls eating Spongebob ice cream

Me and the girls

The Central Park Zoo is not like your typical zoo. I mean, they don't have a lot of space, but they make do with what they've got. You won't find elephants, giraffes, and other such animals here, but you will find sea lions, penguins, and a polar bear, among other animals. This doesn't sit well with some people, but my girls and I delighted in the penguins and the active, swimming polar bear, as these are not animals we have access to at our local zoo in Houston.

The penguins were a lively bunch, darting up and down through the water with such speed, it was hard for Charlotte to keep up (now that's saying something).

The Penguin

Video of penguins to come.

The polar bear didn't disappoint either. Now, we've been to the San Diego Zoo twice, and really enjoyed the polar bear exhibit there, but the polar bears didn't do much but lie around. This polar bear was swimming back and forth, swimming on his belly one direction, and then flip to his back the other direction. They have the clear glass so you can watch above and below water. Not sure why this polar bear was so active, but part of me wondered if he was hot, and just trying to stay cool. The polar bears at the San Diego Zoo have the luxury of ice and snow and a very cool enclosure. I'm not sure how cool this enclosure was.

The Polar Bear

Video of polar bear to come.

After seeing the polar bear, we decided it was time for lunch. Of course I spent $24, and the girls barely ate, but hey, I ate all of my food :thumbsup:!

We walked the remainder of the zoo after lunch, skipping the humid bird area. I felt the warm breeze as someone opened the door and decided that one was not for me. We had tickets for the 4D Dora the Explorer Adventure experience, but had to wait about 30 minutes for the next show. We spent that time at the children's zoo, and both girls enjoyed the treehouse part of it. We didn't even make it to the petting area before it was time to head to the show.

Two Bunnies

Beatrix enjoys the climb

One Turtle

The 4D Dora experience was so much fun for the girls. We experienced bubbles, rainforest smells, bumpy airplane rides, swinging on a rope, a waterfall, and who knows what else. A great way to catch a break from the heat and have fun too.

After the show, we had about fifteen minutes before the clock tower would chime, and let's face it, I also needed a little more rest before heading back to the apartment, so we sat and waited to hear the bells sound off.

In front of the Clock Tower

The Clock Tower

Video of clock tower.

At some point leaving the zoo, I realized we lost our Bugaboo parasol. Oh well, no love lost. We've had that one since Bea was 4 months old (actually purchased it in London when we were there visiting, so that's the only sad part), but it was black, and terribly faded. I've been wanting to get a tan one to match the stroller seat, and I know exactly where to go here in NY to get it.

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