Sunday, July 24, 2011

New York Hall of Science

Today we took the subway all the way to Queens to visit the New York Hall of Science. The temperature was down a little, and with a slight overcast, the one hour journey wasn't too bad, but not something we could stomach doing often.

We started off in the Circus Under the Big Top exhibit. Beatrix had the option to walk the tight rope and/or get harnessed and do a bungee type thing. They require you to step on a scale and it weighs you based on a color. You had to have a certain color to be able to do it. Initially, her response to having to step on the scale was, "No way, no how!". She was adamant about this, and opted not to do either. So, we walked through the exhibit to look at other things.

The girls enjoyed the bubble wand station. Steven was able to create some pretty long bubbles.

Photos from bubble wand station to come.

With our late start, it was time for lunch, so we ate a quick lunch in the cafeteria, and returned to the circus exhibit. First thing we came across was a cyclone exhibit that we watched for a bit.

Photo of cyclone to come.

Then, Steven found a soap screen that you would pull a string on, and it would raise a soapy screen. Beatrix enjoyed raising it up and down while Charlotte stuck her hand through it to pop it. After a while, Steven noticed Charlotte's hand was so soapy she could stick it through the soap screen without popping it.

Photos of soap screen to come.

We came upon the bungee station again, and this time, Bea said she was ready to give the bungee a go, so she weighed in with the color blue, which was within their limits, and waited 30 minutes for her turn. Meanwhile, Charlotte was getting antsy, so I followed her around the various stations in the exhibit.

Photos of Charlotte in exhibit to come.

I kept an eye on the bungee thing, and when I realized it was Bea's turn, I walked back over to take some photos. Steven took video as well.

Photos of Bea doing the bungee to come.

This bungee didn't have a trampoline to spring off of. You really had to use your whole body to move up and down or turn somersaults. Bea really just hung there the whole time, trying very ard to move her body. She did manage to go up and down at one point. Despite her lack of movement, she still enjoyed herself, and said she liked being up high.

After Bea's bungee experience, we went upstairs to check out the Maker Days exhibit where they had several stations set up for children to make things. We stopped at the Zoob station where the girls tried their hand at creating something with the Zoob connectors.

Photos from Maker Day to come.

When the girls had enough of that, we went back downstairs to check out Preschool Place, a room dedicated to preschoolers.

Photos of girls in Preschool Place to come.

We had planned on playing miniature golf before we left, but a storm was brewing, and with no refunds, we decided to stop in the museum store before heading out. Of course, that's when it started pouring, so we browsed in the shop until in stopped, and then made our way back to the train for the subway ride home.

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