Friday, July 8, 2011

The Bike Shop & the Carousel

First order of business today: find a bike shop that can air up the tires on the stroller. The tires have been feeling flat, and pushing a 29 lb child plus another 40 lb child on the board has been no easy feat, especially on inclines. Brutal! There just so happened to be a bike shop near the apartment, Master Bike Shop NYC, at 72nd street between Broadway and West End Avenue. The pump was outside, and a very nice fella aired us up for free, and if we need any tubes replaced, they can do it. Very convenient.

We made a quick stop at the pharmacy for a few things, took them home, packed a lunch, and headed to Central Park to ride the Carousel and have lunch. I must say, I'm getting better navigating around Central Park. I've finally realized it's best for me to stay on street level as long as possible before cutting into the park towards our destination. For one, the inclines within the park are killing me! Second, the declines are no better. I've already got more weight shifting out front, and trying to stay upright while controlling the stroller with both girls going downhill is asking for a disaster. Third, the more I go into the park, the more I get lost. Roads and paths are not marked, and it's difficult trying to figure out which path and direction my phone is telling me I need to go.

This was our second time at the Carousel, and I decided to buy 2 rides worth of tickets since this was the only thing we were going to have time to do, besides lunch.

Bea and Charlotte were excited to ride once again.

Video of girls on Carousel to come.

We picked a spot under a shade tree that faced the Victorian Gardens Amusement Park, probably not wise on my part since Bea has been begging us to take her there, and now it's started all over again. I have no problem taking her there at least once, but it's not something I can do by myself since Charlotte won't be able to ride many of the rides.

We needed to be back at the apartment by 2 for a food delivery, and the chances of rain increased as the afternoon wore on. We got back to the building and a package Steven ordered was waiting for us. I flat screen tv that we can hook the Apple TV to so the girls can watch their Netflix shows and movies. The box was incredibly light, and I managed to get it, Bea, and the stroller carrying Charlotte up to our floor without any problems. I got it hooked up, our newly delivered food delivery put away, and then found the cables for the Apple TV to get that set up. In no time, Bea was selecting a show to watch. You have no idea how necessary this is for this pregnant mama. We spend our days out and about, and when we get home around 3ish, I need a rest, and this helps us all rest.

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