I woke up early, a half hour or so before 6. I made my last Starbuck's run down to Columbus Ave. The girls woke early with my stirring in the apartment, which was good since the hired car would be picking us up at 8.
Photos of girls prior to leaving to come.
The car arrived 15 minutes early. Luckily, we were ready. We scurried down, and began packing our things in the car. While Steven went back up for one more run, I got a few photos outside with the apartment building in the background.
Photos of apartment building to come.
The ride to the airport was uneventful. At one point though, while looking at Manhattan in the distance, Bea started crying, saying how much she was going to miss New York. I couldn't help but tear up myself. We had made some wonderful memories in New York, memories that I will always cherish having with my girls. I was still looking forward to getting home though. We have lots waiting for us there, and many more memory making opportunities to come.
Photo of girls on ride to airport to come.
We had a bit of a long wait trying to check in our bags. I gave Charlotte my iPhone to help distract her since she was getting antsy. She started playing the Shape Builder game, which is a puzzle game. We started her on it several days ago, and now she is a pro at it. Really good for those eye, hand coordination skills. Bea pulled my old iPhone (which is now hers) out of her backpack, and began playing games too. They managed to entertain themselves long enough to get through the baggage check line.
Probably the most consuming task is going through security. We have to take apart the stroller (2 pieces), and put it through, along with the carseat and our other belongings. Shoes come off everyone, and then it's a mad dash to get all of our things back together on the other side. We made it through with flying colors.
We had plenty of time to get a bite to eat while we waited for our flight. Bea managed to confiscate our old digital point and shoot from Steven, which he has been promising would be hers. She quickly went to work taking photos in the airport.
Photos taken by Bea at airport to come.
Before long, it was time to board our flight back to Houston. We settled in, and like the flight up, Charlotte fell asleep before takeoff. She slept for 2 hours and 15 minutes of the 3 hour flight. When she woke up, she wanted to play on the iPad, and I got a photo of my 3 techies each on some device. Charlotte on the iPad, Steven on his laptop, and Bea on my iPhone.
Photo of techies on flight to come.
We had a bumpy descent, which all the kids on the flight loved, one calling out, "It's like a roller coaster!". Really, not what an adult wants to hear on a flight, but it was cute and funny.
Upon landing, the flight attendant announced over the intercom, "Well...we're here!", to which the cabin responded with laughter.
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