Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Swedish Cottage Marionette Theater

A quick trip to Planet Kids for some needed essentials to make trekking across Central Park easier with the girls. I got a Skip Hop diaper bag that clips to the handlebar of the stroller. I've been eyeing this brand since I was pregnant with Bea, but instead I've always gone for the expensive, designer, bulky, less practical bag. This one was $45, a fraction of the cost of my previous bags, and I by far like it the most. Very convenient. Also needed was a new parasol (lost our old one at the zoo yesterday), and a much needed cooler bag that happens to detach from a picnic blanket. Again, Skip Hop, and I love it, perfect for outdoors, wipes clean, and will get a lot of use while we are here. And, there was the must have purchase Bea needed to make for a princess umbrella that she uses rain or shine, or shine or shine (hasn't rained since she got it, but at least she is getting our money's worth of use out of it!).

Our tickets for the show were for 12. Because I needed to eat breakfast first at Starbuck's and had the above mentioned errand, we didn't get going towards the park until 11:15. Because my sense of direction is so bad, I had wanted to leave no later than 11, giving us an hour to find the place. It is located at West 79th, and the apartment is at West 73rd. It shouldn't have taken longer than 20 minutes, but it still took me a little longer. We arrived right at 11:45, just enough time to cool off and drink some water prior to the show.

Before the show

The show was "The Secret History of the Swedish Cottage" and how it found it's way to Central Park in New York City. Both girls enjoyed the show, and Charlotte was quite excited the whole time and very vocal about what she was seeing.

The Swedish Cottage began its journey in a forest in Sweden

By some strange means, the Swedish Cottage made it to Central Park

Dancing gnomes

The future of the Swedish Cottage, I'm guessing

Of course, we couldn't leave the cottage without a quick photo of the girls standing in front of it (or back of it, in this case). I corral the girls onto the little porch, quickly step back far enough to get more of the building, and take the photo.

In back of cottage

As I get closer to them, I realize Charlotte has dismantled the cottage. You will see in the photo below that Charlotte has a piece of the railing in her hand. Totally not surprising.

Charlotte dismantles the cottage
I love the look on Bea's face here. She knows she would never do such a thing. After putting the spindle thing back on the cottage, we left to find a nice spot to have lunch in the park.

Video of Bea walking to find spot to come.

We stumbled upon a grassy area behind Turtle Pond, that just so happened to have lovely views of Belvedere Castle (Beatrix loves this). There are several large shade trees, and I reckon it is the perfect spot as long as you can find some shade. We have since gone back to this spot, and I suspect we will be returning many times over.

Beatrix lounging with her umbrella

Charlotte having her lunch in her stroller

I love the view of the castle behind us. Of course, I didn't notice it until we got up to leave.

In front of the lawn we call our favorite lunch spot with Belvedere Castle behind

After lunch, we stumbled upon a playground, and Beatrix, yes, my 4 year old daughter, points out to me that it is the same playground we visited on Monday. Yep, it sure was the same playground. The Diana Ross Playground. Beatrix played while Charlotte slept in the stroller. I tell you, I could get used to days like this. We are really settling into a routine now, and that feels good, especially with young children.

We usually head back to the apartment around 3, which gives us some time to rest up before dinner, bath, and bed.

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