Thursday, July 28, 2011

Adventure Playground, Sheep Meadow, and Dinner with John

I have been putting off going to the Adventure Playground because I really just thought it would be too much for me to deal with trying to keep up with two kids, including one who insists on trying to hurt herself. Now, I'm kicking myself because we tried it out, and it was perfect for the girls. Absolutely perfect!

What was so great about this playground? Well, just about everything. It had a water sprinkler on one end, which drained into a little river. It had a sandpit at the other end. In the sandpit were climbing structures, but appropriate for all ages. A child would have to have certain skills to make it to the top of the structures. In the middle of the playground was a pyramid shaped structure with stairs going up and 2 slides coming down. There was actually no way for Charlotte to get into trouble. I still had to follow her around, but I was much more relaxed.

Photos of Adventure Playground to come.

The girls enjoyed playing in the sand. Bea enjoyed using her shoes to transport water to the sand pit. I like that she is thinking outside the box!

We walked to a Subway on 72nd street to pick up lunch, and then we walked it back to 67th street to find a spot under the big tree at Sheep Meadow in Central Park. We ate our lunch. This time Charlotte did as she was asked to do and sat on the blanket to eat. When we were all done, the girls pulled out the balls and played for a bit.

Photos from Sheep Meadow to come.

We stayed until 2, and then went back to the apartment to rest a little before dinner. We had dinner plans with Steven's former co-worker, John. We ended up meeting him at Patsy's Pizzeria, same place where I met Mara a few weeks ago. John showed up with cookies from Levain Bakery. What a nice guy to bring us cookies, and funny enough, if we had gone to his side of town, I was planning on picking up cookies from Levain to take to him.

We had a nice dinner. John was so personable and really took an interest in the girls. Bea colored him a picture, which he hung on his refrigerator.

Photo from John to come.

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