Monday, July 25, 2011

The Bronx Zoo

I admit, yesterday was tiring for me. When we got back to the apartment around dinner time, I ate dinner, and almost immediately felt like I needed to lay down. Charlotte was still sleeping, so I took my chance. I was surprised at how tired I was given I had stayed in 2 days in a row due to the heat. I wasn't sure if I was going to manage anything today. We had plans to meet an old high school friend, but I hadn't heard from her, so I thought maybe we would go to the Bronx Zoo. There is method to my madness. I knew the general direction to the zoo because it is near the Botanical Garden. I knew a route I could manage with the stroller, and I knew we would enjoy it.

This morning I felt tired, but determined to see this week through. I set my plan in motion, but this time we took the express train (1 stop) to Times Square, and then walked a few blocks to Grand Central. I got my ticket (girls are free), and we had an hour to kill, so with at least 1 hungry stomach (Bea), we went downstairs to the dining concourse. We stumbled across a Magnolia Bakery, and I realized it was the one (different location) that I've read great reviews about. Steven informed earlier on that it was featured in Sex in the City, and apparently has been popular with tourists. At any rate, I figured we could give these cupcakes a try. At Bea's request, I got the chocolate cupcakes with pale green buttercream icing. I got an iced tea and chocolate milk for the girls. I wasn't expecting anything more than a Horizon's chocolate milk, but they actually make it fresh. It looked yummy.

Photo of Magnolia Bakery cupcakes to come.

The time passed quickly, and we boarded our train, ready for our adventure to the Bronx Zoo.

Upon arrival to the Botanical Garden stop, we had to walk about a mile to a zoo entrance. Had I listened to Bea, we would have walked a little less, but hey, we made it to an entrance and had our total experience tickets, which allowed us entry to all exhibits without extra cost, in our hand.

Photo in front of Bronx Zoo to come.

Of course, at this point, it's lunch time, so we stop nearby and grab a bite to eat. Afterwards, we start to explore getting a quick look at the Sea Lions.

Photo at Zoo Center to come.

Photo of sea lions to come.

I get my bearings and decide on a plan for our time at the zoo. Essentially, I decide to follow the zoo loop, which gives easy access to most of the animals. I knew we wouldn't see everything since we only had about 3 hours, but I wanted to maximize what we did see in that time.

We made a stop at the Bug Carousel, and yes, I know, another carousel! But, this carousel was different, at least, for the rides were bugs and not horses or zoo animal. I think this is a first for us.

Photos from bug carousel to come.

Our next stop was the Mouse House, quite an interesting little building with various rodents. I can call them rodents, right?

Photos from Mouse House to come.

The Butterfly Garden was nearby, so we went right in. The girls enjoyed spotting the various butterflies.

Photos from Butterfly Garden to come.

From the Butterfly Garden, we stumbled upon the giraffes and ostriches. Bea was on the hunt for Lego structures of certain animals. When you found one, you got to stamp a special map with the impression of that animal. The giraffe was the first one on her list to find.

Photo of giraffe Lego structure to come.

The lego structures are cool and all, but I'm at a zoo, and I want to focus on the real thing, so we watch the giraffes for a little bit.

Photo of giraffes to come.

We were in the area, so we hit the Congo Gorilla Forest next, which is where Bea picked up her next stamp.

Photo of gorilla Lego structure to come.

I guess this zoo gets kinda busy some days, so they have a policy of leaving strollers in a stroller parking area for most exhibits, which makes it harder for me with my back and runaway toddler. This was one of those exhibits, o we didn't really spend too much time here.

Photos from gorilla exhibit to come.

Leaving the Congo Gorilla Forest, we came across the flamingos, and another Lego structure. This is when the rain started.

Photo of flamingos to come.

Next up on our map was the bears, but first we ran into another Lego structure, the toads, just outside the Reptile House.

Photo of toad Lego structure to come.

Due to our time constraint, we didn't go into the Reptile House, and instead made our way to the bears, and another Lego sculpture.

Photo of bear Lego structure to come.

We saw 2 brown bears and a polar bear. One brown bear stayed up high on rock pacing back and forth, while the other decided to take a dip in the water.

Photo of brown bear to come.

The polar bear paced back and forth at the furthest distance it could from us. We really didn't get a good look at him, and Bea seemed more interested in catching raindrops with her tongue.

Photo of polar bear to come (Bea catching raindrops).

From here, it seemed reasonable that we would go to Tiger Mountain to see the tigers. Again, having to leave the stroller behind, it makes it harder to enjoy the exhibit. We stayed for a little bit, and got a glimpse of the tigers, but not the tiger Lego structure.

Photo of tigers to come.

At this point, it is raining heavier, and we had planned to hit the children's zoo on our way out. We only had about 20 minutes to spare, and I wasn't sure the children's zoo would be a good idea in the rain. I made the decision to go ahead and catch the train a half our earlier, but I knew we would have to boogie in the rain to get there on time. Luckily, it paid off and we caught the 4:58 train. Beatrix had been complaining since we left the zoo how cold she was. It was 70 degrees and raining, but compared to the alternative, I told her we need to be thankful it isn't burning up outside. Charlotte, meanwhile, had a good sleep on the train.

Photo of Bea shivering on train to come.

We made it back to Grand Central at 5:22 where Steven met us to help us back to the apartment.

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