Saturday, July 23, 2011

American Girl Place

After weeks of anticipation, this is the day Beatrix has been waiting for. We had decided that Steven would take Bea while I stayed at the apartment with Charlotte. It's still too hot to really do anything outside, so it was another day in for me and Charlotte.

Charlotte's birthday is coming up, so Bea planned on picking out a Bitty Baby for Charlotte. I have no idea what Bea will pick out for herself. I told her she has a budget, and could either pick out a new doll, or get accessories totaling the price of a new doll for her dolls at home. They first picked out a cute, dark headed Bitty Baby for Charlotte. Steven said they then looked at the My American Girl dolls, and then went to the floor where the period dolls are, but Beatrix was insistent that she wanted a My American Girl doll. I've been wanting her to get a doll that resembles herself. She has been resistant to getting a blond doll for some reason.

Photos of Bea at American Girl Place to come.

I had planned on making reservations for the cafe, but I never got around to it. I thought Bea might want to do some of the other things there that don't require a reservation, but Steven said she was eager to get back to the apartment so she could play with her doll. I couldn't wait to see what Bea picked out for herself. She gets home, and we first give Charlotte her doll.

Video of Charlotte getting doll to come.

I then get a glimpse of Bea's My American Girl doll, and it looks nothing like her. She is gorgeous though, with dark hair, skin, and eyes. I asked her why she didn't get one that looks like herself, and she said there were no dolls that looked like her, and she just likes the dark hair. Daddy was very generous, as he let Bea pick out two accessory boxes for her doll. One was a black and white sundress with purple accents, and the other was a roller blading set. I must say, the roller blading set was pretty neat. Bea enjoyed changing her doll's outfits and helping her skate all afternoon.

Photos of Bea with her My American Girl to come.

Charlotte immediately took to her doll, trying to put a Hello Kitty diaper on her, cleaning underneath her nails, etc.

Photos of Charlotte with her Bitty Baby to come.

Steven caught this final photo of the evening of Bea sleeping with her doll.

Photo of Bea sleeping with her doll to come.

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