Sunday, July 3, 2011

Living Like the Locals

We woke up this morning to the wonderful sound of rain and thunder. Such a welcome sound coming from our drought conditions in Houston.

We weren't all up until 9 o'clock. It was still raining, so Steven walked to a nearby Starbuck's to get us some breakfast. After breakfast, we got dressed and headed out to pick up items we need in the apartment: soap, paper towels, toilet paper, trash bags, snacks, etc. Of course, it's still raining, so I wanted to stop in the local Croc store to get some shoes that wouldn't get ruined by the rain. Of course, Bea wanted a pair too.

Just down the street is a Trader Joes where we picked up some items we needed. This is my first time in a Trader Joes (heard a lot about them) and I'm guessing it's more of an urban one. It was spread out over 2 floors. It had escalators and a special escalator for your cart so it could ride next to you.

Duane Reade (the pharmacy) was next door, so, what we couldn't find at TJ, we got there. Time for lunch, and a conveniently located McDonald's near the pharmacy was our next stop. Take out lunch, head back to apartment, and Charlotte fell asleep in the stroller. We ate lunch, but Charlotte is still sleeping, and we sit here relaxing now, waiting for some more rain to possibly come through. We have some more things to pick up, so we plan to head out for that and dinner later on.

View outside the apartment

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