Saturday, July 2, 2011

A Month in New York City

Today, we left for our month long visit to New York City. Beatrix has been anticipating this day for some time, and was so excited. She's been packing and unpacking her suitcase for weeks.

I thought packing for this trip would have been much more difficult than it was, but really, knowing we would have access to a washing machine made things easier. Plus, we've done this once before with a 4/5 month old, so we've gotten good at getting by with the minimum with kids. I limited our clothes to 10 outfits each, which made packing quite easy.

We took a cab to Hobby Airport. Luckily, this is the closer of the two airport options we have. Steven likes flying Jet Blue, and they fly out of Hobby. Steven ordered a mini van to accommodate the four of us and our luggage and stroller. The cab shows up, and I look inside as soon as the door is opened to find exactly one bench seat, big enough to hold a carseat and booster seat, and maybe 1 small hipped adult. I start installing the seats, and realize the middle seat only has a lap belt. The girls were put in the outside seats, and while getting Bea's booster seat ready, I realize the buckle where her seat is doesn't work, so I had to use the buckle for the middle seat, which left the person in the middle with no seatbelt at all. Steven offered to sit in the back, and despite everything, including a very hot ride to the airport, we made it unscathed.

Packed in like sardines.

Check-in was a breeze. Security was a breeze, though Bea almost melted down over having to put her suitcase through the xray machine. Once through security, we headed towards the food to get some lunch. Bea had a fun time riding the walking escalator, rolling her pink polka dot suitcase behind her.

Video of Bea on walkway to come

No sooner did Bea get off the walkway (we couldn't use it because we had a stroller and cart), we ran into my old school friend, Kelly, and her husband and kids. They had just returned from a week long trip to Disney World, and were looking at an exhibit they came across featuring art made by cancer patients from Houston. Lucy, Kelly's middle child, was diagnosed with Leukemia a year ago in April. Her art was one of the featured pieces at the exhibit.


After visiting briefly, we got something to eat. The girls scarfed down their food. Not surprising given it was 1:45. Boarding was scheduled for 2:45, so it gave us just enough time to eat and use the restroom.

Boarding was fairly easy. Charlotte got away from me when on the ramp to the plane while I was trying to collapse the stroller. She walked on behind Steven, but a flight attendant stopped her and tied her shoe, distracting her long enough for me to catch up. The girls got settled on the plane, and it was as if Bea was very accustomed to flying. She's only flown at 4/5 months and 9 months. Charlotte was asleep before we reached maximum altitude, and slept until the last hour of the flight. It really couldn't have gone any smoother.

Beatrix is ready to take off.
Charlotte waving at the other airplanes.

Steven had a hired car waiting for us at JFK. This time, it was a nice, comfortable ride in an Escalade. I think I want one of those!

Steven and Bea in hired car shortly after arriving at JFK.

Charlotte in hired car shortly after arriving at JFK.

We made it to the apartment at 9:15, quickly dropped our things off, and headed down the street for some dinner. We were encouraged to try Dallas BBQ, so we did, though my first thought was that we can get the best BBQ in Texas, why bother here. We ordered our food to go, and came back to the apartment. I was pleasantly surprised at how good it was. We were so tired, we didn't have our usual bedtime routine. We just settled in and fell asleep very quickly.

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