Friday, December 10, 2010


Trouble. That's the only word I can use for what we are in for. Omi sent Charlotte an early Christmas present, which she wanted her to start using immediately due to her need to climb everything. I took the parts out of the box, turned around, and took a call from Steven. When I got off the phone, I turned around and noticed that Beatrix had already put the wheels on along with the nuts and bolts. She told me she knew how to put it together.

She managed to complete steps 1 & 2 without looking at the instructions.

If we are lucky, she may take after her Daddy. We can always hope anyway!

Beatrix found some other uses for the slide, including propelling herself from it to the sofa. She also fastened it to the sofa like a slide so she and Charlotte could slide down it. God help us!

With Beatrix's help, Steven was able to assemble Charlotte's bus so that she could enjoy it the way it is supposed to be enjoyed. (last 2 photos taken 12/12/2010)

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