Sunday, December 19, 2010

Middlebrook Family Christmas

This year, we celebrated Christmas with the Middlebrook Family a week before Christmas on December 19th at my brother's house. Nathan and Bella were only in town for a few days, and then Holly, Philip, and Thomas were heading to Costa Risca on December 23rd.

We made gingerbread houses. You can see the crack in Bea's house that Popsey had to fix. I gave up after the piece broke.

Hayley and Hannah take a break to give me a smile.

The finished houses.

Holly and I take a picture with Charlie.

Thomas and his "stash".

Bridgette and her sister, Heather.

Time for the kids to open their gifts. This year they did a Secret Santa exchange.

The kids and their gifts.

This year, Goosey got a gift. The kids were all so excited to watch her open her gift.  \

Goosey realizes in this photo that she got an American Girl Doll of her own.

Goosey and Felicity

The kids sang some carols on the front lawn before heading out to look at Christmas lights.

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