Sunday, December 26, 2010

The Day After Christmas

Getting up early has it's advantages (for Charlotte, at least!). She took the opportunity to feed Bea's Baby Alive Baby All Gone before Bea woke up.

She also managed to get ahold of Bea's Ariel and Belle Pez dispensers. 

Charlotte enjoyed playing with her Noah's Ark Little People set.

The day after Christmas...a perfect day to chill and watch cartoons (while sitting on a rattan trunk).

"It's cold out there, Charlotte!", did nothing to stop her from going outside barefoot. I believe the wind chill was in the 30's (We SE Texans think that is cold!).

Charlotte enjoyed being pushed around on her trike, and Bea enjoyed pushing Charlotte on the trike.

Beatrix made some Gingerbread cookies while Charlotte took a nap.

Time to work on the crazy fort. I got most of it done, but of course, needed Steven's help. He finished it off for us.

We draped it with a sheet...

...and the girls got in.

Much havoc was wreaked, but we are sure they had fun!

Goosey and Popsey came to visit briefly. Beatrix loves her Goosey.

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