Friday, December 3, 2010

Ice, Ice, Baby...Skating at Discovery Green

I took Beatrix ice skating today at her repeated request. She had only been one other time before when she was 2. We missed last year due to my back surgery. I wasn't really sure how she would do with it, and she surprised me somewhat. She skated around the big rink, holding on to the rail all the way around. She would let go at the openings, and managed to keep her balance. She fell a few times (mainly when she was getting overly confident and trying to show me a new trick), but brushed it off and kept on going. We then found this little rink for kids 4 and under.

 Thanks to a very nice lady, Linda, that I met at the rink, I got a photo with me and Beatrix. Linda was so kind as to send me the photos she took through email. Whenever I get down on people in this world, it is people like Linda who lift me up and remind me that there really are good people out there.

Beatrix really didn't want to leave when it was time to go. I admit that I didn't want to go either, but we had to get home.

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