Friday, December 24, 2010

Gifts from Goosey & Popsey

Beatrix was ready to open gifts from Goosey as soon as they were given to her on the 23rd, but we convinced her to wait until Christmas Eve morning so that we could spread out the amount of gifts they were opening.

She was chomping at the bit as soon as she woke up. I just asked her to give me a second to get the camera ready.

She was so excited to get Emily's pj's and a matching set for herself.

She was also delighted in this box of Zhu Zhu pet coloring books.

Charlotte knew exactly what this was as soon as she saw the box. They have one at Omi's house that they enjoy playing with.

She was very eager to bring me the box to open it...

...and put it together. I had to go to the garage to get the pump for this one. I don't have the lung capacity apparently to blow this thing up. I tried...

Both girls enjoyed this Little People Birthday Party set.

Charlotte looking through the book that came with the birthday party set.

Thank you Goosey for the wonderful gifts. The girls love them!

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