Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Hannah turns 5!

Today was Hannah's official 5th birthday. They had the cousins over for cake and ice cream.

I just loved snapping photos of these 3 girls, giggling like there was no tomorrow.

Hayley showing Charlotte a toy.

Someone, ahem, was not watching this toddler. Oh wait, that would be me...

Time to blow out the candles, and Hannah did blow them out...






Anticipating the cake

Having cake and ice cream

Hannah opens gifts.

Others look on.

The last gift is opened, so it's time to play some more.

Happy 5th Birthday, Hannah!

Monday, December 27, 2010

Mommy has a birthday!

I turned 36 this year. I couldn't have given myself a better present than the one I gave myself. At this point, I have lost 73 lbs. I feel much younger than I have in years! It's not the same celebrating my birthday without my twin, but such is the case some years. It just makes the years we celebrate together that much more special.

I had a very low key birthday, which is fine by me. It was quiet, calm, relaxing. I feel so blessed to have my beautiful children and wonderful husband. I couldn't ask for more really.

My day started with a request by Charlotte to paint her fingernails.

Of course, I obliged her...

Steven got these photos of Bea during lunch while I ran to the store to pick up a few items.

Bea has this thing for chopsticks.

With all the food that has been eaten between the holidays and all the family birthdays, I decided to bake an angel food cake that could then be dipped into a chocolate fondue. We've had two fondue pots for years, and have NEVER once used them.

Beatrix loved the angel food cake dipped in the chocolate...

...and so did Charlotte.

And, the best part about my birthday was the little surprise party my darling Bea threw for me. She decided I needed cake, even pretend cake, and a birthday song to celebrate my birthday. She led the entire thing.

That girl melted my heart...

ten times over. <3

Sunday, December 26, 2010

The Day After Christmas

Getting up early has it's advantages (for Charlotte, at least!). She took the opportunity to feed Bea's Baby Alive Baby All Gone before Bea woke up.

She also managed to get ahold of Bea's Ariel and Belle Pez dispensers. 

Charlotte enjoyed playing with her Noah's Ark Little People set.

The day after Christmas...a perfect day to chill and watch cartoons (while sitting on a rattan trunk).

"It's cold out there, Charlotte!", did nothing to stop her from going outside barefoot. I believe the wind chill was in the 30's (We SE Texans think that is cold!).

Charlotte enjoyed being pushed around on her trike, and Bea enjoyed pushing Charlotte on the trike.

Beatrix made some Gingerbread cookies while Charlotte took a nap.

Time to work on the crazy fort. I got most of it done, but of course, needed Steven's help. He finished it off for us.

We draped it with a sheet...

...and the girls got in.

Much havoc was wreaked, but we are sure they had fun!

Goosey and Popsey came to visit briefly. Beatrix loves her Goosey.

Saturday, December 25, 2010

Christmas Day

Santa arrived at the Byrnes house, at approximately 12:36 am Christmas morning, according to my calculations. 

Santa loved the cookies, but the consensus here is that the reindeer didn't care so much for the carrots.

The stockings were hung by the chimney with care...

Charlotte loved her Radio Flyer push trike.

Beatrix loved her Barbie bike.

The girls opened their two wrapped gifts.

Beatrix was thrilled to get an American Girl Itty Bitty Baby...

...and a Crazy Fort.

Charlotte enjoyed her new books...

...and her Lego Duplo Tube Experiment Set. Santa was kind enough to set up a few examples of what you can make with the pieces, so she could immediately start playing with it.

Daddy got a panda bento box (and a few other things), and Charlotte recognized that her book had a panda on it too.

Mommy got a book about becoming a mindful parent, among a few other things.

After all the gifts were opened, and breakfast was eaten, Charlotte decided to sit by the fire.

And, of course, we got a photo together.

Omi came over, bearing gifts.

Omi got Beatrix a Baby Alive Baby All Gone . This toy is actually kinda neat, and Charlotte really enjoys it too. She also got her a Lego Duplo Zoo set.

Omi got Charlotte some English/German blocks and a Little People Noah's Ark.

Omi got both girls mittens and a hat. Beatrix chose the pink, and Charlotte got the purple by default.

Later that night, we went to Goosey & Popsey's house. Beatrix changed into her pj's like Emily's pj's.

And, one final photo with my mom (Goosey) and the girls.

What a blessed Christmas!