Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Wortham Theatre Tree Lighting

The mice came down the escalators at precisely 11 o'clock to lead us upstairs to the cookies & punch, Christmas tree, the Christmas music, and the waiting characters from The Nutcracker Ballet.

The mice were very playful.

Beatrix and Charlotte settled in with their cousins for some treats.


They had their photos taken with some of the Nutcracker Ballet dancers.

The girls enjoyed dancing with the mice and other kids.

Beatrix danced along to the Mariachi band.

An attempt at a group shot. My two aren't cooperating in the photo taking department these days.

Waiting for the tree to light up.

Another attempt at a group shot.

At Jones Plaza waiting for the Santa Claus and other Christmas characters to arrive.

Getting closer to Santa.

A glimpse into Christmas theatre.

One last photo in front of the Wortham Theatre with downtown in the background. A perfect, day before Thanksgiving, activity to get you in the spirit for Christmas.

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