Thursday, November 11, 2010

"Mom, Charlotte's a MENACE!!"

suppose there are worse things Beatrix could call her sister. I suppose we signed up for this when we decided to have more than one child. I also suppose this isn't the end of the sibling rivalry. It's bound to happen when you have a sibling. God only knows (well, that's not completely true), that me and my siblings have had our fights, and we still do. At the end of the day, I think I can speak for all of us, we respect and love each other. My hope for my girls is that they will always be friends, even when they don't get along.

Tonight reminded me of a similar incident several months ago, May to be exact. Charlotte was a few months shy of 1 at the time of the photo on the right. She is now 15 months old. I knew then that we were in trouble. I think Beatrix must be getting used to it by now, because other than her comment where she called Charlotte a "menace", she kept her cool. She is actually smiling in the photo I took, even though Charlotte was doing everything in her power to prevent Beatrix from building anything.

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