Friday, November 26, 2010

Thanksgiving Day

What a day full of blessings! We all have so much to be thankful for. My family is pretty high on my list of what I'm thankful for! We had a wonderful time at Goosey's house celebrating this day set aside to give thanks. We started it off by making turkey day hats (pilgrims, turkeys, indians).

The guys cooked.

The women visited.

I read a special Thanksgiving Day prayer.

Something is definitely missing in this picture. I can't quite put my finger on it.

Beatrix talked to Bella on the phone since she couldn't be with us due to a surgery she had a little over a week ago.

Beatrix and Charlotte sit briefly on Omi's lap. Long enough to get a picture!

Here we are showing off our hats.

Hayley celebrated her 8th birthday.

I read a few Thanksgiving books.

There was lounging.

There were photos being taken.

And, more photos being taken.

We made some pilgrim hats that Beatrix and Nathan chowed down on while the others ate sweet mean pumpkin pie.

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