Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Bike Riding Day at School

I got a chance to see Beatrix's class riding bikes yesterday after chapel service. What a treat to see the kids whizzing around the circle.

I figured Beatrix would be pedaling, and not riding along on the back. She has this thing about pedaling. She got a balance bike for her 3rd birthday, which has gotten very little use. Her first words when she saw her new bike were, "Where are the pedals?". A little while later, Steven mentioned that we would be going to the bike store to...and before he could get out the words "get you a helmet", Beatrix finished his sentence with, "get pedals for my bike?!?". So, this Christmas, Santa will be bringing her a new bike WITH pedals! Our intentions were good, really good, I believe, but this child has a mind of her own!

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