Friday, November 5, 2010

Bea's First School Field Trip

Beatrix is certainly growing up. She knew we were pressed for time to get out of the house to get to school on time, so she offered to make her own lunch (She didn't want to be late for her first field trip on Wednesday, after all.). She put turkey and cheese on a sandwich round, and stuck in an applesauce and a pudding. It's the first time this school year she has actually finished her entire lunch!

We arrived at the school, and they left shortly after having snack. The kids were really excited to ride the school bus. I was sure Beatrix wouldn't want to get on the bus, but she surprised me, as not only did she want to ride the bus there, she also got upset about not being able to ride the bus back. There are more kids than seats, so some got to ride on the way there, and some on the way back, unless a parent was not there to drive them. Ms. Blewer allowed Beatrix to ride back given that there were a few seats available.

The kids got a quick tour of the museum, and I'm pretty sure their favorite part was sliding down the fireman's pole and sitting in the cab of the mock firetruck in the play area. The kids dressed up in their firefighting gear, and were ready to go at any moments notice.

I'm not exactly sure what was going on with Beatrix in this photo.

She was fairly interested in what our tour guide was saying.

The tour guide asked which fire extinguisher is the one we use today. Beatrix was quick to point out which one, and she was right.

They all enjoyed looking down the hole to the first floor.

They watched a short cartoon on fire safety.

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