Friday, November 12, 2010

Little Miss Persuasive

What is a mom to do? Beatrix is so persuasive when it comes to things she wants to do. Sometimes, the best thing to do is to just indulge her, and then she is on to something else. She's been talking for days about having a birthday party for her zhu zhu pet. I tried deflecting, changing the subject, but broke down this morning when she was determined to give this pet a party.

I have boxes of cake mix, thanks to my mother-in-law, and I even had a container of icing, as well as sprinkles, cupcake wrappers, and candles. Why not? So I whipped up the cake mix with Beatrix's help, and stuck them in the oven. While the cupcakes were cooling, Beatrix got her guests ready for the party. She even made a guest list.

Here is an overall shot of the party table with guests. Beatrix is busy icing the cupcakes and decorating them.

Emily is watching intently. I'm sure she can't wait to have a scrumptious bite of cupcake.

Menacing hands are coming...

And, there they are!

Happy birthday, Zhu Zhu pet! And, Little Miss Persuasive will be turning 4 in 9 days.

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