Wednesday, October 13, 2010

A New Day, A New Way

I've come to the realization that I need to do something to chronicle our lives, if for nobody else but my children. To my children: This is for you. It is intended to be something you can come to over the course of your lives to relive fond memories, to find out something you didn't know before, and hopefully to learn about the love I have for you in my heart.

It's interesting. Today, I came across a journal I had started when I first became pregnant with Beatrix. The title page says: "My Pregnancy Journal March 28, 2006". It's not much of a journal though. I counted the number of entries. It didn't take very long to do that as there were only 2. One entry is dated March 28, 2006 and the other May 27, 2006. Both were significant entries, as the first was the day I had my pregnancy with Beatrix confirmed by my doctor. The latter was the first time ever we saw a glimpse of our baby. If I knew then what I know now (and it's not that I didn't know then, I just didn't "know", does that make sense?), I would have continued on with my journal. And, I would have done one for Charlotte too. In my book though, it's better late than never. There is way too much to try and catch up on, so I will have to just start right where we are.

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