Thursday, October 14, 2010

Ballet & Plunging Necklines

It's not every Wednesday that I get to take a peek at Beatrix at her dance class. I'm usually in a bible study at the same time as her class, but on this day, I was not feeling well, so I was there to see the end of class. As you see, she has a plunging neckline on her leotard. My first thought was that I didn't remember it being so low, until I realized that she had it on backwards. Her preschool teachers convinced her the first time she put it on that it was inside out, so she took it off and put it on right side out, but then it was on backwards. They tried convincing her to turn it around, but she insisted on wearing it this way. That's my Beatrix.

All of these ballerinas are in Beatrix's preschool class. That's 8 little ballerinas. What a change from last year's class that only had 5 girls total.

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