Sunday, October 17, 2010

American Girls

Saturday, we celebrated 3 special girls' birthdays at the American Girl store in Dallas. Beatrix and Hayley are celebrating their 4th and 8th birthday in late November, while Hannah is celebrating her 5th birthday in late December.

We had a fabulous day of shopping, visiting, oohing and awing over way too much stuff, and dining at the American Girl Bistro.

Miss Beatrix had to be reigned in quite a bit. She was a tad overwhelmed, and I'm quite certain at some point she thought she was going to leave with everything in the store. Not quite. She got Molly's English friend, Emily and each of their dogs, Yank and Bennett, along with a few other accessories.

We were lucky at this point to get a photo of her sitting still.

Molly got a makeover at the American Girl Salon. She got her ears pierced and her hair styled.

We are pretty sure that Molly enjoyed her makeover.

Hannah, Hayley, and Beatrix showing off their dolls' new looks.

This little tike wasn't as impressed with the store. Though, I suspect she would have been had she been allowed down to roam and dishevel the place!

The birthday girls pose for a picture.

All 6 girls sitting at the table for lunch.

A little birthday cookie with a candle for Beatrix. Hayley and Hannah had birthday ice cream.

The girls having fun!

Even Molly enjoyed taunting Charlotte from atop the stroller.

The birthday girls get one last picture outside the store with their Aunts and Moms.

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