Sunday, April 24, 2011

The Hunt is On

And, they didn't know it yet, but this was going to be the longest egg hunt in their lives. Yes, we made it harder this year. No more 2 minute hunts in this family. Each child (excluding the youngest) had a specific egg to look for. They were each given a sticker before they started, and they were to find the eggs with that sticker on it. I really can't believe how much this slowed them down. Even the adults had to get out there and help. It was fun though.

They're off!

Charlotte waisted no time!

Beatrix found one of her eggs.

Not frustrated...

The kids were so great about helping each other out.

Here's one of the adults helping out.

Once they had all their eggs, they had to use a spoon to get the rest of the eggs. Slowing these kids down.

And, we couldn't forget the confetti eggs. No, we couldn't.

Beatrix gets Nathan, and Hannah gets Beatrix.

No one was too young to get confetti.

And, no one was too old!

A group shot, minus Beatrix.

A group shot, minus Charlotte.

Why are my girls so hard to the same frame?

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