Sunday, April 10, 2011

Bluebonnet Season, or What There Was of It

I suppose it's asking too much of Mother Nature to supply us with the amount of rain we need to grow our beautiful bluebonnets here in Texas. For whatever reason, she did not bless us with rain this year, and it was obvious. Granted, we set out on our annual bluebonnet expedition a little later this year, but on all accounts, most years, there would still have been an ample supply of bluebonnets to choose from for pictures. Not this year, but we made the most of it. We found a field of bluebonnets, literally the only field we saw in the Brenham area, bluebonnet country it is. Chappel Hill never disappoints, and this year, that is where we found our patch of bluebonnets. Not the best pickins. It wasn't the best day either. It felt ok, as in not too hot or anything, but it was windy as all get out. Add to the fact we got a late start, and we had issues with the harsh sun. And then, it became clear very quick, that there was another problem. The field we found was also covered in some kind of thistle. Nevertheless, here are the few pics we managed to get.

See. I had to wear my sunglasses. Way to bright!

And, way too windy!

But, the girls managed to have a little fun.

If you can forget me in this picture, take a look at Charlotte's face. I just love her cheeky smile.

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