Our last day in New York, and last minute, I decided we would go down to Times Square, have lunch at Ellen's Stardust Diner, and pick up some gifts for my nieces and nephew at the Sanrio (Hello Kitty) store.
We took the express subway to Times Square, and meandered our way through all the tourists (I guess I don't consider myself one.). Bea pointed out where we would need to go for the Hello Kitty store. I'm ashamed that my 4.5 year old knows more about Times Square than me.
We continued through Times Square to 50th and Broadway where we stopped at Ellen's Stardust Diner. The girls were in awe, and Charlotte, especially, seemed to get into the spirit of the atmosphere. The waiters and waitresses sing as they wait on you. Our waitress's name was Blondie, and we weren't there long before it was her turn to sing.
The girls enjoyed the singing and clapped at the end of the songs. I thought it was really neat, and these kids were really talented as well. I wish all the best for their success.
Photos from Ellen's Stardust Diner to come.
After lunch, we made that treacherous walk back through Times Square to go to the Sanrio store. I stopped in the middle of Times Square to take the obligatory Times Square photo.
Photo in Times Square to come.
Bea, again, told me where I needed to go to get to Hello Kitty, and I cross checked it with the map on my phone. She was right. We went inside the store, and Bea started looking for gifts for her cousins.
Photo of Sanrio store to come.
I picked out some cute Hello Kitty NY hats for the girls, and I was informed that the girls wouldn't like what I picked out, but would love what Bea picked out. I gave Bea the benefit of the doubt, and she picked out an Hello Kitty dolls wearing bikinis. She told me they are tan because people come in all different colors and sizes from all over the world, and they speak many different languages. The sales clerk told us they are Hawaiian Hello Kitties. I picked out Hello Kitty rings with each of the girls birthstones.
We didn't find anything for Nathan there, but I had seen some NY matchbox cars at a store near the apartment, so I planned on stopping there on the way home.
Charlotte was asleep at this point. We got back on the subway towards 72nd Street, and the store I wanted to go into was right across from the station. We popped in there, and I found little subway replicas of the different lines in NYC. I picked the 7 local line that is right by the apartment, since it is the one we take if we take the subway.
We made one last trip to Duane Reade, and then went back to the apartment for the rest of the evening. Steven picked up Chipotle on the way home from work since thunderstorms were expected to roll in. And, we ended our time here the same way it began, with a nice, cozy thunderstorm.
Photo from storm to come.
After dinner, Bea started Night at the Museum, to see it one last time while in NYC. We made a pallet on the floor, and I popped some popcorn for our impromptu movie night.
Photo from impromptu movie night to come.