Saturday, October 1, 2011

Holly's Baby Shower

Holly's Baby Shower 64
Originally uploaded by ByrnesFamily

One of the many things Holly and I have shared over the course of our 36, almost 37, years together. This may be one of the most special things we have shared:our pregnancies. Holly being 4 weeks ahead of me, and both of us expecting baby boys.

We held her baby shower today at Ashland House Tea and Restaurant. I can't think of a more special way to welcome this new precious baby into our family.

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

First Day of School for Charlotte 2011 - 2012

Charlotte started her first year at St. Paul's School in the 2's class (aka the Butterfly class). She will be attending on Tuesdays and Thursdays.

She was ready with her lunchbox, or backpack, as she calls it.

Beatrix was trying to help Charlotte pose, but I like the looks on both of their faces here. They really do enjoy each other, and this captures it.

Once we got to school, she was starting to get a little more leery of the situation.

I tried getting her to stand by her butterfly, but she just said, "No, mama! No!".

Look at their pretty wall outside their classroom.

She clung to me briefly as I handed her over. There were a few tears, but I'm told only a very few, and she went right to work cooking in the kitchen. I needed to get Bea upstairs to her classroom, so I didn't linger. When I came back down, I peered in the window, and she was working on a puzzle, and moved on to the books. She seemed to be adjusting quite well.

I got to school early so I could spy on her before it was time for them to unleash them to us. Another parent was standing at the door, and she immediately told me that my child was as happy as could be. I looked through the window, and Charlotte was dancing and smiling, and playing with toys. Her teacher told me she had the best day, and really enjoyed the big playground. I knew she would! So glad she had such a great day.

Monday, August 29, 2011

First Day of School for Beatrix 2011 - 2012

Today, Beatrix started Pre-K, what will be her last first day of school at our treasured St. Paul's School. I know the end of the year seems really far off right now, but I can't help but think how quickly that school year goes by.

Beatrix decided she wanted to wear a red skirt with her Hello Kitty t-shirt today. I had other plans, but I guess I should let her make decisions for herself. She also told me she wanted her hair long today. See, I would have put it in a ponytail!

We took a few photos at the house before leaving.

You've got to see Hello Kitty on the front.

And, of course, you've got to see Hello Kitty on the backpack.

And, the sassy pose.

I told her that I have to get a picture at the St. Paul's School sign. She agreed that would be good.

The obligatory photo at the St. Paul's School sign.
I wanted to get a photo of her at the door to her classroom, but she emphatically declined. I thought I would just sneak in at the door and get a quick photo of her in the classroom.

Before Beatrix noticed me at the door

Once she noticed me, it was all over. I was told to leave and not to take any more photos. Where oh where has my baby gone?

Not happy about me lingering

I decided to oblige her, and left her to her first day. I am glad she was confident enough to tell me to leave, and I just hope she has a fabulous first day!

Friday, August 26, 2011

Class Visits at St. Paul's School

I can't resist posting some photos from the girls' class visits this morning. Our building was added on to, and the old part completely gutted and renovated. When I first saw the inside, I was shocked. It is so pretty, so new, so clean, so everything perfect. I wish I had some photos of the entry at the school. Completely unrecognizable. You can get a brief look at what the hall looks like now in the St. Paul's Chimes Newsletter. We are so happy to have the opportunity to utilize this nice, new facility.

Beatrix's classroom is upstairs in the new addition. She is starting Pre K - 4 in the Monkey Class on August 29th, and will attend 5 days a week.

Beatrix building blocks with Ms. Alexander

Beatrix's tower is almost complete.

They are the Monkey Class.

One of the play areas.

Beatrix got right to work with one of her drawings. Another building in NYC.

Beatrix is having a conversation with Ms. Moody.

Beatrix having a cookie with a classmate from last year.

Charlotte's room is downstairs in what would have been the original building, but you can't recognize any of the old building. She will be in the Butterfly Class, which is younger 2's, and will start on August 30th, attending 2 days a week.

Charlotte working on a puzzle.

Charlotte may be lost for a little bit, but I know she will love it.

The Butterfly Classroom

Charlotte working in the kitchen. She wanted me to sit in one of the chairs.

Monday, August 1, 2011


Today was the day for our BIG ultrasound. My appointment was at 1:40 in the afternoon, and it seemed like forever waiting. Steven and I went alone, leaving the girls at home with our nanny. We didn't want them getting antsy if there was a delay, and as it turned out, there was a delay, so good decision on our part.

I bought two t-shirts online from Cafe Press while in NYC. One of the shirts said OH BOY and the other said TICKLED PINK. I think deep down I thought I would be wearing the TICKLED PINK at the end of the day. I had planned on telling our family by surprising them with the t-shirt. I could not wait to tell them the news, despite what they may think. Mom thought it was pretty mean of me to make her wait.

The tech looked around at the baby for a few minutes. Everything looked good, and after asking us if we already have children, and us telling her we have 2 girls, she said, "Well, looks like you got something different this time!".  I know Beatrix will be very happy at this news, as she told me when I first told her I was pregnant that she thought it was a baby brother.

I  hated making my family wait, but I really wanted to surprise them in a fun way. Steven was flying back to NYC tonight with his mom, so I dropped him off at her house first. I immediately went inside saying I needed to use the restroom, which I did, but I also changed into my OH BOY t-shirt. I wondered how long it would take her to notice, but as soon as I walked out of the bathroom, and maybe a 5 second delay, she screamed and laughed. I think Omi is happy about having a grandson!

So, I left Steven there, and next up was my sister. I was going to pick her up so we could go back to my house to pick up the girls. I walked in Holly's house, and she was checking her email, and didn't want to look up at me because she didn't want my face to give it away to her. She had no idea about the t-shirt, so when she finally looked up, within a second, she screamed with joy. She is very excited to have a boy cousin for her baby boy due 3 weeks prior.

We went to my house and got the girls. Of course, we took the opportunity to take some photos.

I asked Bea what letter she saw on my shirt, and it didn't take her long to figure out BOY. We took a few pictures to Charlotte's dismay. The tot does not like sitting still!

Next up was Goosey and Popsey. We decided to meet them at Skeeters out in Katy for dinner. They walked in, and I walked up to Popsey first, and he got it right away. Goosey was busy greeting Bea, but she eventually saw the news too.

Ultrasound at 23 weeks 1 day on 8/1/2011

It's a BOY!

Saturday, July 30, 2011

Flying Home

I woke up early, a half hour or so before 6. I made my last Starbuck's run down to Columbus Ave. The girls woke early with my stirring in the apartment, which was good since the hired car would be picking us up at 8.

Photos of girls prior to leaving to come.

The car arrived 15 minutes early. Luckily, we were ready. We scurried down, and began packing our things in the car. While Steven went back up for one more run, I got a few photos outside with the apartment building in the background.

Photos of apartment building to come.

The ride to the airport was uneventful. At one point though, while looking at Manhattan in the distance, Bea started crying, saying how much she was going to miss New York. I couldn't help but tear up myself. We had made some wonderful memories in New York, memories that I will always cherish having with my girls. I was still looking forward to getting home though. We have lots waiting for us there, and many more memory making opportunities to come.

Photo of girls on ride to airport to come.

We had a bit of a long wait trying to check in our bags. I gave Charlotte my iPhone to help distract her since she was getting antsy. She started playing the Shape Builder game, which is a puzzle game. We started her on it several days ago, and now she is a pro at it. Really good for those eye, hand coordination skills. Bea pulled my old iPhone (which is now hers) out of her backpack, and began playing games too. They managed to entertain themselves long enough to get through the baggage check line.

Probably the most consuming task is going through security. We have to take apart the stroller (2 pieces), and put it through, along with the carseat and our other belongings. Shoes come off everyone, and then it's a mad dash to get all of our things back together on the other side. We made it through with flying colors.

We had plenty of time to get a bite to eat while we waited for our flight. Bea managed to confiscate our old digital point and shoot from Steven, which he has been promising would be hers. She quickly went to work taking photos in the airport.

Photos taken by Bea at airport to come.

Before long, it was time to board our flight back to Houston. We settled in, and like the flight up, Charlotte fell asleep before takeoff. She slept for 2 hours and 15 minutes of the 3 hour flight. When she woke up, she wanted to play on the iPad, and I got a photo of my 3 techies each on some device. Charlotte on the iPad, Steven on his laptop, and Bea on my iPhone.

Photo of techies on flight to come.

We had a bumpy descent, which all the kids on the flight loved, one calling out, "It's like a roller coaster!". Really, not what an adult wants to hear on a flight, but it was cute and funny.

Upon landing, the flight attendant announced over the intercom, "Well...we're here!", to which the cabin responded with laughter.

Friday, July 29, 2011

Times Square, Ellen's Stardust Diner, and the Sanrio Store

Our last day in New York, and last minute, I decided we would go down to Times Square, have lunch at Ellen's Stardust Diner, and pick up some gifts for my nieces and nephew at the Sanrio (Hello Kitty) store.

We took the express subway to Times Square, and meandered our way through all the tourists (I guess I don't consider myself one.). Bea pointed out where we would need to go for the Hello Kitty store. I'm ashamed that my 4.5 year old knows more about Times Square than me.

We continued through Times Square to 50th and Broadway where we stopped at Ellen's Stardust Diner. The girls were in awe, and Charlotte, especially, seemed to get into the spirit of the atmosphere. The waiters and waitresses sing as they wait on you. Our waitress's name was Blondie, and we weren't there long before it was her turn to sing.

The girls enjoyed the singing and clapped at the end of the songs. I thought it was really neat, and these kids were really talented as well. I wish all the best for their success.

Photos from Ellen's Stardust Diner to come.

After lunch, we made that treacherous walk back through Times Square to go to the Sanrio store. I stopped in the middle of Times Square to take the obligatory Times Square photo.

Photo in Times Square to come.

Bea, again, told me where I needed to go to get to Hello Kitty, and I cross checked it with the map on my phone. She was right. We went inside the store, and Bea started looking for gifts for her cousins.

Photo of Sanrio store to come.

I picked out some cute Hello Kitty NY hats for the girls, and I was informed that the girls wouldn't like what I picked out, but would love what Bea picked out. I gave Bea the benefit of the doubt, and she picked out an Hello Kitty dolls wearing bikinis. She told me they are tan because people come in all different colors and sizes from all over the world, and they speak many different languages. The sales clerk told us they are Hawaiian Hello Kitties. I picked out Hello Kitty rings with each of the girls birthstones.

We didn't find anything for Nathan there, but I had seen some NY matchbox cars at a store near the apartment, so I planned on stopping there on the way home.

Charlotte was asleep at this point. We got back on the subway towards 72nd Street, and the store I wanted to go into was right across from the station. We popped in there, and I found little subway replicas of the different lines in NYC. I picked the 7 local line that is right by the apartment, since it is the one we take if we take the subway.

We made one last trip to Duane Reade, and then went back to the apartment for the rest of the evening. Steven picked up Chipotle on the way home from work since thunderstorms were expected to roll in. And, we ended our time here the same way it began, with a nice, cozy thunderstorm.

Photo from storm to come.

After dinner, Bea started Night at the Museum, to see it one last time while in NYC. We made a pallet on the floor, and I popped some popcorn for our impromptu movie night.

Photo from impromptu movie night to come.