Monday, August 29, 2011

First Day of School for Beatrix 2011 - 2012

Today, Beatrix started Pre-K, what will be her last first day of school at our treasured St. Paul's School. I know the end of the year seems really far off right now, but I can't help but think how quickly that school year goes by.

Beatrix decided she wanted to wear a red skirt with her Hello Kitty t-shirt today. I had other plans, but I guess I should let her make decisions for herself. She also told me she wanted her hair long today. See, I would have put it in a ponytail!

We took a few photos at the house before leaving.

You've got to see Hello Kitty on the front.

And, of course, you've got to see Hello Kitty on the backpack.

And, the sassy pose.

I told her that I have to get a picture at the St. Paul's School sign. She agreed that would be good.

The obligatory photo at the St. Paul's School sign.
I wanted to get a photo of her at the door to her classroom, but she emphatically declined. I thought I would just sneak in at the door and get a quick photo of her in the classroom.

Before Beatrix noticed me at the door

Once she noticed me, it was all over. I was told to leave and not to take any more photos. Where oh where has my baby gone?

Not happy about me lingering

I decided to oblige her, and left her to her first day. I am glad she was confident enough to tell me to leave, and I just hope she has a fabulous first day!

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