Saturday, March 5, 2011

Lions, Tea Parties and Birthdays, OH MY!

I've been very behind on the blog, and trying desperately to catch up here. In an effort to speed things up a bit, I am combining several events in March into one post.

March 5, 2011
A Surprise Party for Nathan & Bella

Holly & Philip decided to have a surprise 6th birthday party for Nathan and Bella while they were visiting in March. They got a chance to celebrate with Lita and Bingle since they were in town visiting from Costa Rica. What started out as a cloudy, dreary day, turned into a gorgeous sun filled day at the park. The kids still didn't know they were having a birthday party as they headed out the door and rode their bikes down to the park. They saw the balloons and party supplies and commented on how someone was having a party, and they wished they were having a party. It was such fun to see their expressions when they realized it was for them. We spent hours visiting while the kids played. 

March 20, 2011
Goosey has a Birthday

And, of course, we were there to wish her a happy 59th birthday. My mom has been through so many trials and tribulations. She is very wise, though I know she doesn't think I ever take her advice, but I do.

March 7, 2011
Tea with Bea, Nathan, & Bella

You know how picky kids can be? Well, when this trio begged for a tea party, I thought there was no way they would drink hot tea, and I even thought of using juice or milk, but I was wrong. I can't remember how many teapots of tea I made for these three, but it was a lot.

One of my favorite photos was of Nathan pouring his tea. Notice his train next to his cup?

March 19, 2011
Bea has a Tea Party for Charlotte

The undressed doll is just too much for me. Such an eclectic group. Oh wait, is that Charlotte in that photo too?

March 17, 2011
Lions, Tigers and Bears, OH MY!

We spent most of Spring Break sick, but we did happen to get better around Thursday, so we met up with Hayley, Hannah, Rhett, & Bridgette at the Houston Zoo. Perfect day for the zoo, as it was overcast. Spring Break crowds didn't affect us at all since we got there so early. I just love the new African Safari. I think it's the first place I head to when I walk through the gate.

This orangutan has seen these characters before, I think.

March 13, 2011
Last but Not Least...

Since I know nobody reads this blog (and that's perfectly fine, as I simply set out to chronicle these crazy days of my life so that my children can look back fondly on our memories and the stories that we created), I will boldly post the news we got mid March. Looks like there will be baby #3 in our future. We will be having another late November baby. Beatrix told me in the beginning that she was having a baby brother, but has since changed her mind. Now she says it's a girl, and she thinks we should name her Rainbow Dancer.

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