Saturday, January 1, 2011

New Year's Eve

New Year's Eve. Steven and I have never been ones to celebrate NYE. I'm usually asleep well before the ball drops on NBC, and we are an hour back, so there aren't many chances you'll find me up at that time. I thought it would be fun this year to have my nieces over along with some family friends. The kids enjoyed playing, and we enjoyed catching up with our friends, inside our house, where the only chaos you would find is that caused by our own kids.

All the girls stayed over here for a sleepover. They all (excluding Charlotte) stayed up past midnight. They watched the ball drop on the NYE show on TV, and then went back to building forts. I actually had to tell them it was time to go to sleep.

A great way to ring in the new year. Honestly, I just might make it a tradition here. So much fun just staying home and being with family and friends.

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