Here's the newest member of our family. We are thrilled to announce we are expecting baby #3 in November. I had the 12 week ultrasound this morning, and baby is measuring ahead of dates at 13 weeks. New due date is November 21st, Bea's birthday. With a planned 3rd c-section, we know that this baby will be here before that though. Maybe we won't be spending Thanksgiving in the hospital. That will be nice.
I'm really bad about taking photos during the first trimester, between the nausea and fatigue, it's usually the farthest thing from my mind. While I could be much better, I'm finding the camera is being used a little more than the first two times I was pregnant. Good thing is, I'm coming up on my 2nd trimester, so I'm starting to have a little more energy, and definitely feeling better.
First photo with all 3 precious kids. I'm so happy to be a mother of 3. I always hoped I would be able to say that one day, but wasn't sure I really believed it would happen. Here we are.